Hari: 25 November 2022

Pasar Butung Ditutup, Ratusan Pedagang Turun ke Jalan
MAKASSAR, EDELWEISNEWS.COM – Polemimk yang terjadi di Pasar Butung belum juga usai. Bahkan, Pemerintah Kota Makassar menutup pusat grosir terbesar di Indonesia Timur tersebut. Akibatnya, hari ini Jumat (25/11/2022) ratusan pedagang Pasar Butung, Kota Makassar turun ke jalan. Mereka mengecam tindakan pihak Kejaksaan Negeri Makassar yang melakukan penyegelan Pusat Grosir yang berada di Jalan Sulawesi […]
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It is essential that your essay professional and quick to write. The order form will require you to complete every detail. Once the form has been submitted to the writer, the writer will call you with further questions. This is a simple process. Find Discounts There are many advantages when you use the Write My […]
Read moreCheap Write My Essay Discount Codes
It is essential that your essay professional and quick to write. The order form will require you to complete every detail. Once the form has been submitted to the writer, the writer will call you with further questions. This is a simple process. Find Discounts There are many advantages when you use the Write My […]
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Write My Essay Assistance is available to help you’re struggling to finish your paper. The essay is written by qualified professionals and can provide high-quality essays. This company has more than 16 writers https://guiadonoroeste.com.br/?p=5974 who are skilled in various academic fields and can complete your paper within a few hours. They have many years of […]
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Dinas Perpustakaan Makassar Bedah Buku Ngopi Rong Karya Almarhum Usdar Nawawi
MAKASSAR, EDELWEISNEWS.COM – Wartawan senior Usdar Nawawi telah pergi menghadap Sang Khalik. Namun, karya – karyanya akan menjadi nisan bagi Usdar Nawawi yang akan dikenang selamanya. Demikian sepenggal kalimat yang dilontarkan Idwar Anwar seorang penulis yang hadir dalam bedah Buku “Ngopi Rongg” yang digelar Dinas Perpustakaan Makassar di Hotel Best Western Plus Makassar, Rabu (23/11/2022). […]
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